How to Begin an Online Startup in Armenia


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July 9, 2015

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Colin Powell, American statesman

Launching an internet startup in Armenia can be very exciting and lucrative. And if you think that in order to succeed there is a “secret” out there, you are definitely not right. Evidently, if you don’t have previous experience, starting a new business can be both daunting and intimidating. At the beginning nobody knows how things work and how to do everything to ensure success. And it is always through experience that we learn not to burn our fingers. However, bravery and education can take you a long way. As once said Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter: "Timing, perseverance, and 10 years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success." So, through these layers you will eventually find the concept of success, and that’s when everything starts to fall into place.

Generally it is the first couple of steps that are the most scaring, but they don’t have to be. With the help of some good tips and sequenced steps you will get on your way to your dream. With the help of these tips it is easy to see why people dare to step out of their comfort zone and take on what could become the most epic adventure of their lives. Have a look through this and educate yourself and start up your own small business.

IDEA first

Startup Armenia Idea

Let me tell you a secret. You do not need a brilliant idea to start your online startup around. The way a startup reaps a benefit is to offer people better technology than they have now. But what people have now is often so bad that it doesn't take brilliance to do better. For instance, Google's plan was simply to create a search site that didn't suck. They had three new ideas: index more of the Web, use links to rank search results, and have clean, simple web pages with unintrusive keyword-based ads. In particular, they were determined to make a site that was good to use. There are undoubtedly great technical tricks within Google, but the overall plan was quite simple. And while they probably have bigger ambitions now, this alone brings them a billion dollars a year. In the worldwide and particularly in Armenia, there are plenty of other areas that are just as backward as search was before Google. It is important not to make a mistake of looking for a product first and a market second. To boost your chances of success, you should start with a market. You should find a group of people who are searching for a solution to a problem, but not finding many results.

In Armenia, there is a huge amount of users who are looking a better solution.

Website is everything

Website for Armenia Startup

However, an idea for a startup is only a beginning. By having a very clear notion about your products or services, the second step is your website. Remember the golden rule: keep it simple. You have fewer than five seconds to grab someone's attention - otherwise they are gone.

Here are some important tips to follow:

  1. Your website is your online image, so it should be customer-friendly.
  2. Choose one or two plain fonts on a white background.
  3. The navigation should be simple and clear for every page.
  4. Include an opt-in offer in order to collect e-mail addresses.
  5. Make it easy to buy - no more than two clicks between potential customer and checkout.

Aragil will design & develop a website for you which will build up your business and empower it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or how your customers can find you

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an indispensable element for new website and business. In order to keep the costs low you must get what’s called “organic” traffic to your site. What we mean is when you search something in Google there are different sets of results that show. The advertised results are usually on the top and down the right hand side of the page. These spots are called “Adwords” spots or PPC (pay per click), this is where through Google you can determine a certain “keyword” you would like to target and Google will place your ad at the top of the results if your ad converts well, supplies those searching with what they’re looking for, and is relevant. SEO does the same but without the cost per click. The true organic results for a search are underneath the adwords ads, and to the left of the adword ads running down the right hand side of the search results page. Having a good SEO strategy can shoot up your profits and take your site to the next level effectively and fast.

Social Media in Armenia… friend or foe?

startup Social Media Marketing in Armenia

Are social media platforms considered as helpers or will they interfere with our plan to launch a great startup? It depends. Indeed, it depends on how you would manage your social networking.  Social media is a really great tool for a startup. As one can easily notice, in Armenia there are just a few good examples in social media platforms. And the estimation has nothing in common with the amount of followers. All we are talking about is the followers' engagement. So, there is a huge niche in Armenia's digital reality. The road is free!  But it is also important to consider which platforms would work for you the best. You should base on your target and not to use all the platforms. Three or four of them are quite enough. The thing you should remember is to make updates on a regular basis and try to engage your followers. ( Digital Marketing in Armenia )

Final thoughts

The internet changes so fast that one year online equals about five years in the real world. But the principles of how to start and grow a successful online business have not changed. If you are starting a small business online, stick to this sequence. Do not be afraid of creating something new and launch it online. We understand that you have fears. To handle them you can rely on the support of Aragil's team. Our professional and creative members will help you to build your online strategy, to stick to basics and not to fail. (Contact Us for free Consultation & Estimate)

Startup success takes work. Nobody said it was easy, but it is worth it.

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