8 Best Practices of Writing Eye-Catchy Email Subjects


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July 14, 2017

You have prepared a letter with strong content. It benefits, a steep share or a profitable offer. But will the subscribers know about this? For example, imagine you open the mail and see an endless list of promotional offers there. Yes, maybe they are interesting, but over time, you start sending them to spam.

Do you want this to happen with your letters? If not, then take the time to choose the right subject! After all, it exactly depends on the first words, whether the person will read your message and whether you will be able to convey your idea to him․

Using statistics we will list the most catchy and clickable subjects from the practice of Aragil Digital Marketing agency, and give tips on them․

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These kinds of letters should be used most often. They are quite straightforward and carry a certain benefit, which the reader will receive only in the event of opening this letter. Example: “How to find and promote the best employees?”


Do you like to buy things? Cosmetics? Do you like something ...?

If you buy or sell something, then this is the most successful way to attract the attention of subscribers! Offering your services or products already on the subject of the letter, your main task is to interest the reader so that he simply could not ignore such a message.

Don't make false promises

Titles that have poor content but too “promises” subjects fail, they go straight to spam because all people are experienced such absurd titles. Being too impressive always leaves a negative reaction.

Time it right.

You may get the maximal reaction if the email is sent at right time with the right subject. Just imagine in the evening when you plan to go somewhere after work, suddenly your inbox notifies you “Where to drink the best bear tonight” Wow, you are interested. So depending on the subject of your letter, you should know what is the best convenient time to send it.

Use Easy language

Going through thousands of letters our eye is able to catch the one with simple and clear titles. Don’t use complicated words and sentences, make them short, simple, and attractive.

Create a sense of urgency

Urgency is what will stop the subscriber from your message, expressions like, “only today” “24 hours offer” “Don’t miss” make them feel, that if they won’t open it now, they can miss a chance to get something, for free, cheaper, better and exclusive. But this is not the only psychological principle that makes people react to the email.


Just like the title of this blog. People like everything specific. This is what they know about how much they should read, how much they should pay, and how long something lasts. And this way they start reading it.

DON'T USE CAPS LOCK or overuse exclamation points!

If something is really good it shouldn’t be exclaimed of, this is how they think, and your message with caps lock letters and exclamation sights will be sent straight to spam. Usually, this is how many hackers spread the virus.

8 Best Practices of Writing Eye-Catchy Email Subjects marketing

One of the most important aspects of a successful email outreach campaign is the subject line. A well-written, attention-grabbing subject line can be the difference between your email being opened or ignored. To help you write effective and eye-catching email subjects, we've compiled a list of 8 best practices that you can follow. By implementing these tips, you'll be able to increase the chances of your emails being opened and read by your target audience. For more detailed information and strategies on crafting successful reach-out emails, be sure to check out our original blog post "7 Proven Strategies for Writing Reach-Out Emails That Get Results".

Besides these tips, Aragil Digital Marketing agency offers to take care of every detail of Email Marketing

You will learn:

  • How to write the subject of the letter exactly for your business and how to work with each field
  • Which are the optimal length of the message subject and the message itself
  • Which words and symbols will help you increase your exposure
  • What methods do spammers use
  • How to make sure that the subject of the letter is chosen correctly
  • Manage email newsletter
  • And also use A/B testing to better understand subscriber preferences. Everything with analytical data will be served to you.

Just Contact Us and make your subscribers look forward to your emails.

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