10 Sources to Help You Come Out of Your Creative Slump


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August 24, 2023

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a creative slump while preparing a marketing campaign? It happens to the best of us! We know the struggles, and it can get demotivating.

But worry not, as we have your back with ten fantastic sources provided by Chantelle Marcelle, an amazing marketer, that will reignite your creativity from amazing creators to get inspired from as you tackle your next fantastic campaign!

Facebook Ads Library

Treat it as a library where you go to find your next book to read! The Facebook Ads Library has a vast collection of actively running ads with attention-grabbing visuals and creative copy that you will find inspiration.

Really Good Emails

By really good, we mean really good - and the database ReallyGoodEmails! This database has an immense amount of amazing email examples. You can get the samples to adapt to your own brand personality. 

Fantastic Texts

Texting can be tricky, you do not want to seem needy with many spams. You need concrete texts that deliver your messages efficiently. With Fantastic Texts, another amazing database, you can explore incredible examples from various brands, which you can get inspired by while crafting your own messages to your own audience.


When it comes to web pages, aesthetic and user-friendly are key terms. Awwwards is a platform that showcases the most beautiful web pages that will ignite the spark in your creative mind.

Marketing Examples

Marketing Examples is a treasure land for brilliant marketing content accompanied by insightful commentary. One scroll through their platform gives a great dose of marketing wisdom and creativity.

The Psychology of Design

Marketing is not just about pretty visuals. It's also about understanding the human mind. The Psychology of Design presents a list of marketing cognitive biases and principles that will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

YouTube Ads Library

Video storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing. Explore YouTube Ads Library for an abundance of video ads from e-commerce and DTC brands. Witness the art of storytelling in motion and embrace the variety of approaches to captivate your audience.


Swipe-Worthy is a vast collection of top-notch marketing and copywriting examples. This swipe file will help you find the right words and tones to resonate with your audience.

Swipe Files

This amazing platform provides tear-downs and examples of various marketing forms, from web pages to emails and ads. You can also sign up for the newsletter to receive regular inspiration right in your inbox, which can then locomote to your amazing campaigns!

Swipe Folder

To wrap up our list, Swipe Folder offers a curated collection of emails, copywriting, and both current and vintage ads. It's a delightful mix of nostalgia and modern brilliance that will inspire your next show-stopping campaign.

These ten hidden gems are the ultimate sources for igniting your creative spark. Remember, great marketing isn't just about reinventing the wheel; it's about taking inspiration from the best and adding your unique twist to it!

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