5 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes in Armenia

June 28, 2015
The number of users in social networking increases exponentially day to day. They spend a part of their day in social media websites by reading news feeds, sharing interesting content and having fun. The influence of social media have already become of paramount importance. Taking into account people’s engagement in social media sites, the companies invade the social platforms in order to build relationships with their customers and to create a good image of their brand. By following the worldwide experience, Armenia makes an attempt to create its own reality. On their way no one is faultless. In this article we will discover what kind of mistakes Armenian companies make and how prevent them from doing this.
According to statistics of an insights company Alexa, there are six social media websites in Top 50 most frequently visited websites in Armenia, three of which are among the first ten. One should note that the list is headed by Facebook, which has already surpassed the permanent leader Odnoklassniki. Today in Armenia Facebook is the main social media platform for news dissemination, as well as political and social discussions and debates. Besides, it is a handy tool for the users for expressing their thoughts on every topic, chatting with their friends, sharing their preferences and having fun. As we can notice, in Armenian digital reality regardless the constant increase in numbers of companies there are no huge ones. And among these companies, there are several ones who have spectacular social media pages and the others who are kind of lost in this “forest”. (Digital Marketing in Armenia) By looking for good examples of Armenian social networking pages in Facebook and in Twitter I came across some common mistakes that Armenian pages do in building their social media marketing.

1- Fake fans or followers
This kind of mistake unfortunately is not rare. Community managers, as known as social media managers, focus on the quantity of fans and followers and not the quality. They spend money to increase the number of “likes” in their platform instead of use their creativity by focusing on user engagement and interaction. Fake fans will also harm your brand by their non-engagement and thus will lead to an overall algorithmic decrease. Therefore, the right thing to do is to invest much energy in creating interesting content for your special audience and in this way you will find your true niche, and your fans and followers will engage with your posts.
2- No strategy, no goals
Many Armenian businesses consider social media platforms as an extra and not serious tool where they can talk to their customers and promote their products. In this case they do not look over each platform to understand its tricks and working methods. They just write some posts and that is all they do. Having no goal, no destination point, you will go in a wrong direction; you will just go to nowhere. In this way, running a campaign without a strategy, a goal and an analysis is a waste of time, energy and money. Consequently, to set goals ahead of your campaign is of significant importance. Return on investments is one of the most significant features of your business's goal. You should clearly set goals for each platform and for each campaign. Based on your goals you should work out a real strategy special for each goal.
3- Being a one-trick pony
Are you afraid to fail? And that is why you go on posting the same type of content again and again? Do NOT do that! Doing the same kind of thing gives an impression of a boring and uncreative brand. Do not afraid of thinking larger and trying new ideas. Keep on trying constantly and every time try something new. Fail, learn and improve.
4- Constant promotion of products
One of the biggest mistakes marketers do is permanently push their brands. They forget to share some value-added content and continue promoting their products. In Armenia, social media for local companies is still considered as a channel for pushing their marketing message. But social selling is just about building relationships and trust which will ultimately lead to sales. You should always remember the 80/20 rule: 80% interesting content for your buyer personas, as known as your audience, and only 20% promotional messages.
5- Non professionals
Social media managers are the face of the company online. For the time being, we can easily find many pages, whose social media managers are not competent, experienced. But the worst thing is when they behave impolitely, rude and make spelling mistakes in their posts. Nowadays, when companies are very busy doing their business, it is very important to have a community manager available 24/7 for your audience, for responding every comment and message. And in this case, the most optimal way is to outsource your in order to have the right web image. It is absolutely vital to do social network marketing in an appropriate and professional way. If you need our help, Aragil Online Marketing is always ready to help you to build a professional social media marketing and to create the online image of your brand. Our professional team will work 24/7 with you and none of your comment will be unanswered.