The 5 Stages Of The Blog Sales Funnel And How To Use Them


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November 21, 2019

Sales funnels have long been a tool used to track where leads and customers are in their purchasing journey. From whiteboards to Excel sheets to online tools, keeping a map of a sales funnel is an excellent snapshot of a business.

Online business owners, like bloggers, should use this invaluable business tool to build the framework for their offerings. Here are the five stages of the sales funnel and how to use them to generate revenue.


The first stage of the blog sales funnel is awareness. This is one of the most challenging phases, as you may, justifiably, feel as though you're starting with nothing. 

During the awareness phase, you need to work on driving people to your content. Following a smart writing strategy and publishing content for the world to see is the first step, but it's not a case of "build it, and they will come." You need to market your content to reach your audience.

Creating a digital marketing strategy that encompasses both SEO and social media is the best way to capitalize on this stage of the blog sales funnel. Use strategic marketing practices to ensure your message reaches the intended audience instead of floating around in cyberspace, unread.


Once your target audience knows that you exist, it's up to you to tell them why they should care. In the engagement stage, your intention is to create a tenuous connection with your customers that can be fortified and expanded over time. You can do this by offering an opt-in product in return for an invitation to their inbox via email.

Popular opt-ins include downloadable content, a free offering or discount, or some of your time via a video call. Your opt-in offering should be compelling enough to leave your audience wanting to know more about how you can help them without taking too much time or money to put it together.


During the research stage, you're working to build trust with your potential customers. At this stage, they're effectively researching who you are, what you have to offer, and if your offering fits their needs.

The research stage of the blog sales funnel is often the one where leads spend the most time. You could have someone on your email list for a year before they decide to make a purchase. Capitalize on this time by creating conversations instead of talking "at" your audience. Ask them simple questions about how you can help, what they need from you, and what barriers they face when considering a purchase.


In the decision stage, a transformation occurs. Your lead has undergone a metamorphosis to become a paying customer. They've made a decision, money has changed hands, and now you have to prove your worth.

During the decision phase, you'll want to be a constant lifeline for your customers. Reach out regularly to see how your offering is working for them, and if they have any questions or support requests. Ask for feedback to use to improve your relationship with them as well as future customers.


During the retention stage, your eye is on the next sale. Your customer has purchased from you before; how can you convince them to buy again?

During the retention stage, your goal is to remind your paying customer of how much their purchase helped their life. Remove friction about buying something else from you by creating social proof. Behind the scenes, you should also use this time to consider what new offerings you could develop to expand upon your current repertoire and get a larger piece of the pie.

To be successful as a blogger, you need to have a deep understanding of the sales funnel. Some bloggers decide never to sell their own products and generate income through advertising and affiliate marketing instead. Whatever your strategy is, implementing a blog sales funnel is the key to success.

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